Saturday, December 31, 2005

Only 21 Hours and 15 Minutes Left of 2005

I am in Upstate New York, at my friend's farmhouse. We have just admired his coal pile in the basement, watched the fish tank with great intent, and discussed the greater social underpinnings of the underwater world. Adam asserts he created those social underpinnings with godlike power.

I am going to post at least twice today, in honor of this wild year. Root canal, death, handcuffs, jail cells, all have negative aspects, that when viewed in context of the greater picture, each is meaningful and liberating as well. Here's to my year of Transformative Tradgedy!

My friend, Dave said, "Tradgedy has a lot to do with the predeternmined character of the person before it happened." Hmmm. So if something bad happens to a bad guy, then that' s not a tradgedy. And if something bad happens to a good person, then that's a tradgedy. What if a good person slips on a bannana peel?


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