The Fall is Over...Almost

Fall is almost over, December 21st is on its merry way. Soon, the shortest day of the year will come and go. That's right, folks. In only a few weeks, the days will be getting longer as we plow our way through the winter and march on towards Spring. Today is December 4th, time is rocketing by - the fall is coming to a close.
On my way through Brooklyn the other day, I passed by this sign and thought to myself, "What a wonderful class for a dog! Why didn't I have a class called, "Separation Anxiety?" Oh that's right! I'm not a dog. I'm a human being. It all makes sense now. Although, "clicks and tricks," sound interesting as far as communication goes, I do perfer the slightly more sophisticated level of communcation that human beings share. Ahh, feelings.
Well either way, it's Christmas time so my Christmas list is in the making. I don't want a puppy or a dog for Christmas, not this year anyway. Maybe next. I do enjoy the snow, and being able to play in it. Let it snow, let it snow. I think I'll just ask for peace this year. I'll start from within.
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