Riding home the other night I looked up and saw this view from the Q. It was one of those breath-taking moments when everything falls into place and you remember why you love New York City. I also love the Hudson River and the Brooklyn Bridge, quite frankly. Ahhh, a little water under the bridge.
1950's expressions like, "It's all water under the bridge," and "Let's get this show on the road," or even, "Shake a leg!" crack me up because I end up saying them at the oddest moments. One of my clients was doing a leg extension the other day. I wanted to say, "Extend your leg fully." Instead I told her to shake it, I don't know what gets into me sometimes! Then you have the more hard-core sayings, "Why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free." These were the sentences that shaped and molded my personality growing up.
Was my father actually comparing a woman to a cow? Well, we do both produce milk at various points of our lives. Is there really anything wrong with objectifying women by comparing them to farm animals? It's just funny to think of people as animals...cocks, chicks, mother hens. Hmmm, the chicken was a popular animal to compare people with come to think of it.
But I digress. A New York City moment, as opposed to farm animals...how are these related in my mind? Nature abhors a vaccuum, so they say. This wild world we live in holds so many things, waiting in the wings. We get to discover new meaning and moments of significance here and there like salt and pepper sprinkled throughout the day. Yin and yang, a moment of this, then of that. This and that. "Engine, Engine Number 9, on the New York Transit line. And if my train falls of off the track, pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up! Back on the scene..." O.k. Rap songs... once again, I digress.
The farm animal and the New Yorker. Both smell funny. That's the connection. There. A good sense of smell.