Monday, October 17, 2005

Personal Training is...

Personal Training is many things. But most of all, it is a treasure trove of un-tapped gym humor. Let's face it, the gym is a bizarre environment. All of that heavy machinery designed to torture people. It is the closest thing we have in modern culture, to a dungeon. Even more odd, people love being tortured. I have proof. Day in and day out, torture, torture, torture. But yet we laugh about the pain. It's the good pain. Fact is, you have to teach people the difference between the good pain, like muscle burn, v. the bad pain like ligaments ripping and tearing.

And the treadmill? So many people out there, running around and around like gerbils.

Don't get me wrong, I am guilty of the same behavior. I too have been of runner of much tread. I used to think that runners were all trying to escape something, but actually they are trying to get a a destination! Or maybe they just ENJOY running, i.e. the process.

DUH. Bottom line, I ran the NYC Marathon in 1999, and let me tell you - there were moments when I wondered what I was doing. My whole goal was just to run the thing with dignity. The best moment of all was when I had called my mother from my cell phone from every bourough of NYC. This was before cell phones were small and cute. I had this monga, huge mega cell phone. It was before cell phones were common. I got so many dirty looks for talking on the phone while running the Marathon. But not many mothers have had that honor. Go team Pongo!


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